Volt - 26/03/2024

Mirage shimeji

A Mirage shimeji!! incredible! look at her go!

Download link

So I finally got around making a shimeji!! It's my first time making one ever, so I kind of not know how this works yet, but I'm getting the hang of it!!
First thing I've noticed when joining the Ultrakill fandom is that there were little to no shimejis of the characters (apart of this Gabriel one, so cute!!). Very sad, I love shimejis!! every fandom should have some!! So I've decided to make V unit shimejis for them to hang around your display and mess with your windows.

My next shimeji should be V2, I have some cute ideas in mind for her animations! and I'm planning to make a separate shimeji where both V2 and Mirage interact with eachother, like dancing and cuddling (awwww!!)

On the technical side:

First thing I did is download the template from the creator's page and watch some of their tutorials. It was quite easy to make it work at first, although I wasn't satisfied with the stiffness(?) of the given animations. Most of the time I'll go out of my way to make everything extra even for my first time doing so. (very very bad habit!! aeugh!!)
I started playing with the config code to add more frames to it and modify some of the actions. Though I had to rename every "shime" frame because I'm dumb and realized that you could just add a letter next to the name to organize an animation for an especific action midway through. Arghh!!!! So that's why you might find in the files that some actions have associated frames with letters to the sides and others don't. Hopefully I won't commit the same mistake with the next one. Another mistake I've made is not changing her sitting up frame after dangling her legs, but it's not like she does that by herself anyways lol.

Volt - 28/02/2024

First post! yay!


So I kind of have NO idea on how to code. Just some basic stuff I've learned from school and that's it. I apologize if the page looks wonky as fuck!! I'm still learning!! x[ (help is appreciated though!)

I decided to make this blog mostly for myself. I tend to talk too much but I'm afraid of people getting tired of it !! So I've figured that it would be much better if I talk to the nothingness instead. No limits!!

Some info about me:

I'm an Argentinian artist from San Luis! I'm currently on uni trying to get a master's degree in applied linguistics and second language acquisition. It's so exhausting!! buy hopefully this is my last year. I'm also a music teacher and composer, though you won't be seeing me posting about it anywhere x]

I'm in a lot of fandoms, but my current obsession is Ultrakill. It has everything I love and obsess about: robots, angels and homosexuals!! Anyways here's a list of all my fandoms:

Note: this might be prone to change in the future

I think that might be all for now!! have a good day x]